As more Industrial Control Systems (ICS) become further integrated a larger ecosystem of smart sensors, wireless gateways, & remotely managed systems, the chance of these systems remaining safe from external threats grows slimmer by the day. With 51% of US IT security professionals of the belief that industrial networks need to be better safeguarded, let’s look at 8 ways to keep your ICS secure.

Segmentation & Segregation

Thorough gap assessments of control networks can reveal unmonitored access points not seen by standard practices. The origins of these threats include, but are not limited to:

  1. Unrestricted access to engineering/operator workstations
  2. Outdated malware detection
  3. Third-party applications & connectors that haven’t been appropriately secured
  4. Lack of demilitarised zones or data diodes when exporting data
  5. Critical assets connected on a common domain

Manage User Access Control

Restrict unauthorised action and tackle any activity related to a breach of access by:

  1. Limit access to only authorised personnel
  2. Manage outdated policies, updating them on a timely basis
  3. Implementing multi-factor authentication across your organisation
  4. Whitelisting, adding pre-approved addresses, location and port-based alarms to identify personnel accessing systems
  5. Changing passwords, passcodes, and user passwords periodically

Patch Frequently

Ensure that all control and safety equipment is running on the latest version of firmware available. While routine non-intrusive patching should be the first port of call for critical controllers, and at the very least, it should be done during each maintenance cycle.

Run Validation Checks

Any changes to logic, codes, and scripts can be checked through program, logic and executable validation checks. Train any new personnel in emulated validation environments to remove the risk of affecting your physical systems in addition to monitoring any unwanted changes to logic and parameters.

Add Physical Security

Prevent malicious code from being executed on a controller by using physical locks on the system.

Train on Cyber Security

No cyber security measure can be fully implemented without the awareness and training of everyone involved. Create actionable plans for personnel to follow if security is breached, ensuring all team members are aware of their responsibilities should the time arrive.

Create an Incident Response Plan

In the event that your cyber security measures fail in the face of an attack, you need a plan of action to help remediate any issues facing the ICS. Once a plan has been drawn up, ensure your team is properly trained through regular workshops made available for all responsible personnel.

Maintain an Updated Asset Register

Reduce risk by keeping an up-to-date record of all listed inventory of OT assets, limiting the scope for attackers to exploit in an unmanaged system. Ensure you monitor these assets over the network to keep them updated, while patches and any vulnerabilities can be monitored through various tools.

Learn more about securing your ICS Network, IT-OT Convergence, and more this September 2nd-3rd in Houston at CS4CA USA!

View the full agenda for more details on the expert sessions at the event and view the full Speaker line-up here.

Senior security experts save $799 on your 2-day conference pass when booking before July 2nd at